At Versa Cloud ERP we are constantly evolving with our customers. In a constant endeavor to improve our customers experience Versa does weekly release of enhancement on the platform.
This is the Versa Cloud ERP Spring Release Edition 1 for the year 2023, wherein we cover the enhancements made over 5 categories:
- Shopify
- Sales Order and Purchase Order
- Reporting
- Warehousing and logistics
- General Features
Shopify Enhancements
[VA-8533] - Shopify: Import tags on Shopify orders as Quick Tag in versa.
- Versa has added the ability for Shopify users to import tag. Users can enable the setting for the tags to be imported. In addition, if a tag does not exist in Versa we have the ability to add a ‘Quick Tag’. These have colors assigned to them, which can be set up via the Webstore settings.
- This feature is also enabled for Picklists.
In Versa user can set up quick tags from Setup>Feature Settings>Quick Tag.
Example Shopify Tags in Sales Order>Open Sales order
[VA-8564] - When downloading Shopify orders, use shipping rules to determine the shipping service to apply
- To enable Shopify Orders to use the shipping rules for the hipping services, in Versa a user can go to Tools>Integration>Click on your active Shopify Store and Select Settings. Under setting for order they can turn the setting 'Apply default shipping rules when importing orders' on. This will let Versa know that the orders need to imported in line with the shipping rules.
[VA-8578] - Released Shopify order still imported as on hold
[VA-8584]/[VA-8567] - Shopify: Add a new setting to control importing of vendors as suppliers
- Versa has added a new setting to for Shopify that will enable users to control importing of Vendors as suppliers. This will treat the Vendor field in Shopify as a new Supplier and Create a new record in Versa during the product sync.
- This setting is turned off for new Webstores and is turned on for existing stores.
[VA-8499] - Shopify POS exchange order import improvements
- Versa Cloud ERP now supports return and exchange on Shopify Orders.
[VA-8536] - Shopify Refund posting will use the payment gateway mapping
- Versa has added the ability to route payments via payment gateway. Also, when Versa imports a refund from Shopify, we would use the same mapping to post the refund to the GL Account (if the refund is to refund to cash and not to customer deposit account).
[VA-8889] - Shopify API version update
Sales Order and Purchase order Enhancements
[VA-8021] - Assign price level to quote, and overwrite in quote item. This also applies to order and invoice items
- In Versa, a user can create a dimension ‘Price Level’ and assign the dimensions to price components and customers. When the user adds a new quote/order/invoice item is created and a product is chosen the system will look up the price from price components based on the price level dimension associated with order/quote/invoice (which in turn is copied from the price level dimension assigned to the customer bill to record).
- For this customer, they want to be able to enable price level dimension for quote item, when a product is chosen, the system will use the price level dimension specified for quote item (if provided) to look up prices. If no dimension is provided for quote item, use the dimension on the customer to look up prices.
- Versa will take the chance to implement the same behaviour for order item and invoice item (this customer did not ask for it).
[VA-8537] - Implement hold order in Versa
- A hold order is similar draft order. It cannot be shipped, create pick list, converted to invoice (check the current logic that check for draft orders and expand to include the on-hold status.).
- It will appear on the open order (in order menu) but not in Open SO (in logistics menu).
- On hold order will not appear in shipment/new page. If a held order in Shopify is changed (no longer held), we will need to release the hold in versa well. This will be done as part of the order sync.
- Add a new button to make an order on hold when viewing an order or edit an order. Add the new button "Hold" to the right of Print. This hold button is not visible for order with is draft or historical set to true or open? return false. This button with set the order to be on hold. Once an order is on hold, the button text will change to "Un-hold". User can click on it to set the hold to be false.
- When viewing a on hold sales order, user cannot see the ship order, create pick list, or email button. from the more menu, user cannot convert the order to invoice, allocate order, get warehouse copy, convert to PO, remove all allocation, cancel order from logistics, new shipment, user cannot see any order with status on hold.
- A new order status On Hold will be added and user can view the status in the sales order listing page.
[VA-8510] - Add supplier and customer name to the inventory available blocks in the sales order and PO order item form
- Versa has added to the inventory availability view that is shown in the PO and sales order item form. In the inventory/history tab, we now show the Sales order or Purchase order number as well as the customer’s name or supplier name.
- A setting controls the visibility of this block in setup, sales order/purchase order. "Show Inventory Availability Details".
[VA-8534] - Modify the Open PO listing page to show custom fields on PO
- Versa has added a new setting to set up>purchase order>Show Custom Fields for Purchase Orders on the Open Orders Page.
- Users can now check this to have all the custom fields associated with the purchase order show up on the Open PO page (orders, open PO). Once this is checked, all the custom fields and the associated values will be displayed as additional columns (to the left of the total column) on the open PO page.
[VA-8548] - Show qty allocated for each line when setting " Automatically Allocate Quantity on Sales Order " is turned on
- Versa has added a feature that automatically auto allocates the quantity on the Sales order.
- The Automatic allocation is only visible when the setting Allow Assignment of Facility and Allocation by Facility at Order Item is on.
[VA-8530] - SO has a link to quote when an order is created from the quote
- In Versa when a sale quote is created into a sales order, we need to save the link so we know the order is from which quote. Users can convert a quote into order when viewing a quote.
- One order item can have one related quote item.
- Versa shows the link for each SO line when viewing a sales order. Related to Quote XYZ Line 1
- Right now, Versa allows a sales quote to be created into a sales order many times since the system does not store the link. With this new change, we will not allow users to convert a quote into an order (the button will be hidden) if we have a quote in which all the quote items are linked to sales order items.
- When converting a quote into a new sales order, if any of the quote items have related order items, we will skip it from the new sales order.
- This case can happen when a quote is in a sales order and a user delete some lines from the sales order. Then the user tries to convert a quote into an order again, only lines that are not in the existing sales order are to be added to the new sales order.
[VA-8621] - Add new setting to product backorder report to exclude Qty on PO
- Versa has added a new setting to the product backorder report to exclude qty on PO.
- To determine if a product is on back order, the quantity on PO can be excluded from the calculation so if a product has enough qty on PO but non on hand, it will still be shown as short.
[VA-8566] - Return sales order status and Provide Invoice link via API
- In Versa when sales order items are shipped and the option to create a new invoice is not checked on the new shipment page. Order shipment is created and no invoice is created.
- The workflow is for the user to go create an invoice for the customer and then choose a link to shipments in the invoice item form. All the shipped order items are listed individually and if an order has many lines, the user has to choose the lines one by one which can take a while.
- Versa has added a new option to Say "Link to Order #123". This allows the user to choose all the un-invoiced order items for the order. The user will choose Link to Order #123 and then click on Create for the item, the system will create one invoice line for each un-invoiced order item for the selected order.
[VA-8628] - Include qty on unposted shipment as qty on outstanding SO
- Qty on unposted order shipment was excluded from Qty on outstanding SO (qty yet to be shipped on SO) in inventoried product listing report, inventoried product listing page and product back ordered/unshipped report. It has been changed so that qty is only deducted from qty outstanding on SO when the shipment is posted.
[VA-8631] - Use purchase price as cost field on the sales order/quote/invoice item when there is no inventory available.
- In the cost field for order/quote/invoice item, this is normally filled in with the inventory cost. But if a product has no current inventory, we will use the purchase price instead.
- The system will look up the highest purchase prices (possible when there are different prices from different suppliers) and use it as cost.
- This works on non-inventoried products and services as well.
- Versa usually calculates product cost based of purchase order receipts.
[VA-8653] - Include pick list link on sales order/invoice
- Versa has added a feature where if an order has related picklist, when viewing the order, it now has a section on the order page: Related Picklists
- Also, if an invoice is from orders that have related picklists, Versa will show the same information.
[VA-8508] - Add a ship-by in the open sales order page
- Versa has added a ship-by on the open sales order page on the inventory tab under the view transaction history under the "on S/O" page in the Product page.
- This will show the ship date for order items as a new column "Ship by Date". This is added after the order date column.
[VA-8618] - The auto allocation option does not appear under More when editing an order
- Versa has added an auto allocation option under more when editing an order.
[VA-8634] - Add a new setting to support the margin
- Versa has added a new setting to allow users to show margin instead of markup on order items, quote items, and invoice item forms. The new settings are below the existing settings to show markup and cost for orders, quotes, and invoices.
- The setting to show markup and margin are mutually exclusive, the user cannot select both of them.
- When the price is changed:
If the price is changed to blank, then no recalculation is done.
If there is a cost and price entered regardless if the margin is blank or not, the system recalculates the margin.
If there is a margin and price entered but the cost is blank, the system recalculates the cost.
- The cost is changed:
If the margin is blank and there is a cost and price, the margin is recalculated.
If there is a margin and cost entered, the price is recalculated
- When the margin is changed:
If there is a cost and margin entered, the price is recalculated.
[VA-8719] - Separate buying and selling price policies from product pricing page
- Versa has changed the view on the pricing policy page. There are now tabs for selling price and purchase price so that they are separated and easier to view.
[VA-8743] - Importing line items from CSV on SO page does not use the price level for prices
- Versa had added an option for filtering the inventoried product listing report by dimension.
[VA-8399] - User can associate PO order item to production build
- In Versa user can currently associate PO order item to work orders. From the PO item form, there is a list of work order to be selected.
- Versa has now extend this capability to also support Production build (both work order and build inherits from work efforts).
- Also we want to support assigning non inventory product (product with no part) to production build (and eventually work order)
- First add a setting to support this in Setup, UI/Feature settings, Purchase Orders. "Link purchase order items to production build". Tooltip "Associate a purchase order to a production build so when the items on purchase orders are received, the cost of the items are included as cost of the production build"
- When this setting is on, we will show a new select in the PO item form with label "Production Builds" and user can choose a production build that is not closed . This link will be saved and user can unlink the build if the build has not been closed or the PO order item has not been received.
- We will show an assigned purchase order section in the show view of the production build.
- During posting of shipment receipts, if a PO order item with inventoried product (product with part)is received, we will post the cost of the received inventoried product into the WIP account of the production build.
- If a PO item is with a non -inventoried products and it is received, we will post the cost of the received product (using the PO item price) to the WIP account of the production build.
[VA-8401] - Work order and Build Improvements
Add Work center operation, and operation sequences
- BOM step is renamed to BOM sequences
- Added a new model for Operations (the name in the previous BOM step is the name of operations). This is used to define operation used in BOM. An operation can be used in many BOM .
- We have also added a new option under setup>company to create work center and add menu to create Operations
- Steps are now assigned by choosing from a list of operations previously defined when editing or creating a new BOM item. A BOM sequence has a sequence number and operation. The sequence number is used to group parts or service for a build .
- When editing a BOM, user can add new operations to the BOM and assign it a sequence number. An operation can only be included once in the same BOM but an operation can be used multiple times in different BOMs.
- A BOM sequence can include no products or services.
- Work center is assigned to each operation sequence. When viewing a BOM, user can assign a work center to a specific operation sequence . Users can also unassign an operation sequence from a work center.
- Work center for operation sequence is not required.
- Versa has also added BOM as a top menu item and renamed it to Manufacturing. Only users with BOM permission can view this new menu item.
- Versa has also changed the production build listing page to be data table with sorting and searching
Build and Work orders
- User can now start and complete Operation Sequences. When a sequence is not started, the qty to use column is defaulted to zero so user do not accidentally commit material to it. When a sequence is completed, the qty to use column is also default to zero. User can still commit material to it if they forgot to commit before marking the sequence complete.
- A user can remove a BOM item from the material list (if the BOM is not to be used with this build /work order).
- A user can add a Non-BOM item with operation sequence so new item is added to the right sections. Non-BOM item can also be removed after adding.
- Users can uncommit material on production build
- Users can commit qty on non-inventoried products (added through BOM definition). Since it has no inventory, the cost commit to the build/work order is calculating using the qty committed times the purchase price of non-inventory products. User can set up a fake supplier ("internal usage") and create a purchase price for this supplier.
- If a build/work order has operation sequences defined , it cannot be closed until all sequences are marked as complete. A sequence can be started, completed or restart if completed.
- Parts do not have to be assigned to a operation sequence. The build or work order will show all the sequences defined so user can mark them complete or started
Rename team member to resources
- Team member is called Resource and a new resource type added with 2 options. Human Resources and Machines Resources.
- On the resource listing page, add filter to filter resource by human resource or machine resource.
- A new duration field is added when a resource is assigned to a BOM. this will be the default number of hours to record for a resource when used in a build/work order.
- When a resource is added to a work order/build and there is no timesheet applied for this resource, Users can click on a apply default duration to apply the duration set up at the BOM definition as a new timesheet entry to the work order/build. Once a timesheet is stored for the resource, the apply default duration is hidden.
Timesheet listing page
Timesheets are also added to the new manufacturing menu
- We changed the timesheet listing page to have pages and show related work order or builds for a timesheet entry.
Import and exports
- New fields added to BOM import for work center, operation sequence name, operation sequence number (for work center names, BOM operation name, BOM sequence number). New operation will be created if the operation does not always exists during import.
- User can import/export BOM sequences. New operation will be created if does not already exist. There is no separate import just for operations.
- User can import/export work centers.
- User can import/export resources with cost and billable rates (team member previously)
[VA-8834] - Consolidate inventory transaction by transfer order line when showing transaction history
- If there are multiple FIFO bucket involved in a transfer or order shipment, the transaction history will show the transaction detail by inventory items which can be confusing.
- Versa has now consolidated the history for transfer and order shipment by line.
[VA-8835] - Add ability to copy an order
- Versa has added the capability able to copy an existing order.
- We have added a copy option under More menu when viewing an existing order.
- Versa will copy the order header, all fields in order items, taxes (order item applied taxes record ), adjustments (order item adjustments), order item non taxable reason, child order items(for line item that is a KIT parent), tax code, dimension tag.
[VA-8872] - Add total for all non-posted timesheets in work order and builds
- When viewing a work order/build Versa will now Show a total at bottom of resource time sheet listings. Please Note: Versa will calculate the total when the user inputs both cost and the time for the resource.
[VA-8872] - Add total for all non-posted timesheets in work order and builds
- When viewing a work order/build Versa will now Show a total at bottom of resource time sheet listings. Please Note: Versa will calculate the total when the user inputs both cost and the time for the resource.
[VA-8806] - Use the dimension tag on BOM item to filter out items to add to a work order/production build
- In Versa the users wants to be able to filter certain BOM item in a work order/production build so that optional items can be assigned to a dimension and then filter out depending on what the dimension on the work order or production build have.
- Versa has added support to save dimension tags with BOM records. The dimension assignment page will have a new row BOM and users can enable one or more dimensions for BOM.
- Users will able be able to see the dimensions enabled to the BOM Need to change the UI in the. When adding a new item to the BOM, user can choose dimension options to assign to.
- For example: A BOM is for an electrical equipment and depends on where the customer is, different type of power cord is needed to support the region. User will define BOM and put all possible type of power cord as items in the BOM. Each type of power cord will have a different dimension tag assigned. Assume the dimension is called Power Cord Type and it has options Europe, Asia, North America. When a user create a sales order item , he will choose this BOM product and then also choose the Power Cord Type dimension on order (enable Power Cord Type Dimension for order). Choose to create a work order for new order item. The system will then create a work order and put the BOM's items inside the work order. When this happens, we will assign the order's dimension tags to the work order and the work order will use the dimension tags to filter out the BOM items shown on the page. So if order has Power Cord Type tag of Asia, only BOM Items with the dimension tags of Asia is shown. (other BOM items with no tags are never filtered out). When we are filtering, we need to determine which dimension tag will be used as filter as work order or build can have many dimension tags but the filtering is likely only performed using one dimension . We will look at the dimension tags that is assigned to work order or builds, and then find any BOM items that have the same dimension assigned. If a BOM item has the same dimension assigned as the work order/build but with a different dimension option, then it is filter out. If the BOM item has the same dimension tag value, then it is kept. If a work order has 2 dimension tags and a BOM items have 1 dimension tag but the 1 dimension on BOM item is not the same as the 2 dimensions on work order, then the BOM item is not filtered out. In other words, only filter out BOM Item that has a common dimension as the work order/build. If a BOM item has no dimension assigned, it is not filtered out. The filtering also applies to Production build.
[VA-8838] - User can filter BOM Item while editing a BOM
- Versa will use dimension as a way to specify optional items for a BOM and filter them out in builds and work orders. Therefore, we have added a new setting in setup, UI/Feature settings, Bills of Material, "Use Dimension Tags to Filter out Optional items for a BOM". Tooltip "Assign dimension tags to BOM items and depending on the dimension tag selected for a work order or a production build, only include BOM items with matching dimension tags" This new setting will control if we do the filtering or not.
- We will now show the dimensions being used in the BOM items, user can choose a value for each of the dimension and then click on filter to only see BOM item with the selected dimension options.
[VA-8828] - Add setting to allow varying sales tax rates by product category or by product
- Versa has added This feature to support tax scheme in India where the same tax can have different rates based on the type of products.
- Currently, tax rate is stored with the tax itself. A tax has a fixed rate based on an effective date. When we calculate taxes, we look at the tax to find its rate.
- Versa has added a new setting to setup, taxes, Tax setting " Specify Tax Rate by Product " to support defining tax rates by product category or by product.
- Once setting is activated, user will be able to enter tax rates by category or by product.
- When viewing a list of product categories, there is a link to enter the rates for this category.
- When viewing a product , there is a link to enter the rates for each trading names.
- When calculating taxes, the system will first see if a line item has a related product, then find if the product has tax rates defined, if defined, use it. if not, Then it will look at the product category the product belongs to to find a tax rate . If not found , use the tax rate from the tax.
- User can also import/export product tax rates from Tools, getting started.
[VA-8870] - Always search for orders by dates
- Due to the large number of sales orders in live, Versa will force order listing page to always use a date range to list orders. This includes sales, RMA, purchase, transfer. RMA currently does not have a date filter. Add date filter to RMA.
- If a user never has applied a date filter to an order type, the system will go back one year by default from today's date.
- Once the date filter has been applied (system applied or user specified), it will be remembered per user so next time user goes to the order listing page, the date filter is applied again.
- Store the date range filter in user preference records so the filters will be remembered next time the user logs in. For sales and purchase order, we will remember different date ranges for open and all order page.
- Versa has added a new setting to disallow creation of a sales order if a customer is over the credit limit. Versa has added a to setup, sales order "Enforce Credit Limit On New Sales Order".
- This check is performed when a new order item is created or updated.
- For order that is in draft mode, credit check is performed when the order is marked to ready.
- We do credit check by adding credit limit + deposit balance for customer - total balance in customer AR account - total un-invoiced order shipments.
- User will get an error they are over the credit limit.
- The Credit management Module is currently in Beta Testing but will be a part of our Premium Module that can be purchased for an additional fee over the fee paid for the base system.
Reporting Enhancements
[VA-8550] - Add new filter to accounting transaction report to filter by internal organization transaction id
- Versa has added a new filter on the accounting transaction report that allows users to filter by internal organization transaction ID.
[VA-8551] - Change product backorder listing report to show products on backorder by default. Add an option to also show unshipped orders that have enough quantity
- We have changed the report to product backorder/ unshipped listing it will now show products on backorder only (quantity on hand + Quantity on PO - quantity allocated not due to sales order - quantity on SO < 0).
- Users can revert the report to the previous behaviour by checking the option "show all unshipped orders"
- All quantities are converted to a stocking unit for reporting.
[VA-8572] - When a CSV for an emailed report is too large, send the zipped version
- Versa now enables larger files to be zipped and sent to the customer when requested in the mail.
[VA-8573] - Add a new setting to auto-select and generate a shipping label on the
- Versa has added a new setting to Setup>Outgoing SO Shipments>Auto Select and Generate Shipping Label Based on Shipping Preferences.
- If this is selected, if an order has shipping preference set with the carrier service to use and the carrier’s name when the order is shipped and the getting shipping rate button is clicked, the system will automatically select the shipping method specified in shipping preference from methods that are returned from the carrier.
- So, a label is generated without the user having to click on the button next to each shipping method.
[VA-8582] - Rename sales backorder reports and add filter
- Versa has renamed sales back order by order, by item, by the customer to open sales order by order, by item, by customer
- We have also added a new checkbox Show Backordered products to open sales orders by item report. This allows users to see products that have insufficient qty to fulfil outstanding orders.
[VA-8552] - Add facility as a filter to purchase backorder by supplier report
- In Versa, users can now filter by a facility code in the report Purchase backorder by supplier.
[VA-8621] - Add new setting to product backorder report to exclude Qty on PO
- Versa has added a new setting to the product backorder report to exclude qty on PO.
- To determine if a product is on back order, the quantity on PO can be excluded from the calculation so if a product has enough qty on PO but non on hand, it will still be shown as short.
[VA-8658] - Add "short" field to inventoried products listing REPORT
- Versa has added a 'short' field to the view from products and inventoried products.
[VA-8654] - Add the ship date and delivery date to the inventory allocation report and allow a sort
- Versa has added SHIP DATE to the inventory allocation report. This will enable the users to sort by SHIP DATE.
[VA-8446] - Schedule Any Reports to Be Emailed on a user-specified schedule
- In Versa users can currently email a report on demand.
- Versa has now added a feature that allows users to have a report scheduled to be emailed regularly.
- When the user selects the checkbox for "Schedule Recurring Email Delivery", the button Save Schedule is shown, in addition to the options for frequency and time. The option to send email remains hidden when the checkbox for Schedule recurring email delivery is selected.
- Vice Versa When Schedule Recurring Email Delivery is unchecked, the button Save Schedule is hidden and the button Send email is shown. The options for Frequency and Time are also hidden.
- Frequency select will show "Daily, Weekly, and Monthly" When weekly is selected, an additional select appears, we will show a list of weekdays (Monday to Sunday) for the user to select.
- When monthly is selected, additional select with the options "First day of the month, last day of the month, Specific day of the month).
- When a specific Day of the month is selected, we will show another selection for the user to choose which day of the month. The options will be from 1-31.
- The time is for the user to choose when the reports should be emailed. This will be stored internally in UTC but users will choose it based on their company time zones. So, if the user enters 8 AM UTC-3 (UTC-3 is their time zone), we will store the time as 11 AMUTC. Users can choose any time (right on the hour) from 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM.
[VA-8710] - User can create invoice from the un-invoice order shipment report
- In Versa when user goes to invoices, Un-invoiced shipment report, users can see a list of order shipments to be invoiced.
- Versa has further enhance this to allow user to create the invoices directly from this page. This will save them time to have to go to invoice new to create the invoice.
- If an order shipment is not posted, Versa has added a link to take user to the shipment page to allow them to post the shipment.
- If order shipment is posted, then user can choose to create invoices from the posted shipments. It is possible a customer has a few un-invoiced order shipments from different orders.
- User can also choose which one to invoice now.
- If user choose order shipment from different orders, we will create a invoice following payment terms on the first order. Once invoice is created, redirect the page to the invoice.
[VA-8734] - Add filtering by dimension for the inventoried product listing report
- Versa had added an option for filtering the inventoried product listing report by dimension
Warehouse and Logistics Enhancements
[VA-8506] - The user can reorder the order in a shipment batch
- Versa has added a new feature that enables the user to reorder the line items in a shipment batch.
- When orders are added to the shipment batch, Versa will sort the order-by-order dates and assign the correct sort order (from 1 to xx). (Sort order can be blank for existing shipment batch items)
- Versa has modified the shipment batch show view so users can rearrange the order of items.
- The user will click on the icon and bring up a modal to enter the line number.
- In addition to the sort order field, Versa also added a new field Load # which is a number user will enter in free form. Show this field for each row and the user can click on it.
- Also, added a new field # of Pallets which is something the user enters like Load Number.
- For each row, there is a save button (which is hidden until the 2 new fields Load # and Number of Pallets are changed). When save is clicked, the 2 new fields are saved for the row.
[VA-8556] - The user can quickly create invoice items from shipped order items for one order shipment page
- In Versa when a sales order items are shipped and the option to create a new invoice is not checked on the new shipment page. Order shipment is created and no invoice is created.
- The workflow is for the user to go create an invoice for the customer and then in the invoice item form, chose the link to shipments.
- All the shipped order items are listed individually and if an order has many lines, the user must choose the lines one by one which can take a while.
- We have added a new option to Say "Link to Order #123" This allows the user to choose all the un-invoice order items for the order. The user will choose Link to Order #123 and then click on Create for the item, the system will create one invoice line for each un-invoiced order item for the selected order.
[VA-8583] - Skip scanning for bin location in packing mode. A Bin location scan is not required when handling products just residing in one bin location
- Versa has added a feature that enables users to skip scanning for bin locations in packing mode. A bin location scan is not required when handling products just residing in one bin location.
[VA-8592] - Generate shipping labels on the pick list
- Versa has added a new setting to set up>Picklist >Get Shipping Rates And Generate Labels On Picklist. When this setting is on, the user will have the option to obtain a list of shipping quotes and generate shipping labels.
- Picklists with the state of Ready to Ship would have a button to get the shipping rate to get a list of shipping methods and upon selecting a shipping method, a label will be generated.
- We also added a setting so that when the user changes any of the dimensions and weight for shipment packages (after packing a package button is clicked), the package settings are auto. saved.
- If any of the package dimensions and weight are not filled in, when the user clicks on the getting shipping rate button, they will get a message to enter the dimension first.
[VA-8509] - Add in transit column and available to ship in the inventoried product listing page
- Versa has added columns 'in transit' and 'available to ship on the inventoried product listing page.
- The ‘in transit' column will show the qty in unposted shipment receipts as in transit.
- The 'available to ship' column will show the qty available in the partial which is qty on hand, minus qty allocated.
- The visibility is controlled by a new setting in setup>UI/feature setting>PO Shipment Receipts> "Show Unposted Shipment As in Transit"
- Tooltip, show unposted shipment receipts as qty in transit in the inventoried product listing and in the product inventory tab" When the qty in transit column is visible, the qty on PO number will be changed to show outstanding qty on purchase order minus quantity in transit.
[VA-8617] - Default quantity to pick or pack on picklist with a new setting
- Versa has added a new setting 'Default Quantity to Pick on Screen'
- User will now only be required to enter the number if it is different than the full quantity. The remaining quantity to pick and pack defaults as well.
[VA-8569] - Generate forecast for products using historical averages
- In Versa, we support importing sales forecasts and we will now allow users to download a populated template with all existing products loaded. Versa will be using the monthly average to calculate the sales forecast for products.
- We have added a new link in tools, imports, and exports, Import Sales Forecast for Products. Auto. generate forecast based on last 3-month sales. Tooltip: "The system will calculate the forecast for next month based on sales of the average of the last 3 months"
- The monthly average will be calculated by dividing the total by 3. Examples: If a product has sales in 2 units, it will have 2 rows in the forecast file. If the product has sales in 3 different facilities, it will have 3 rows in the file. So the forecast is by the facility and by the measurement unit.
- Note: If a product has had no sales in the last 3 months, do not include it in the file.
[VA-8568] - Create a new liquid form for Shipment Batch and use it for Printing of Shipment Batch as Manifest Document
- Versa has added a print button to the shipment batch view page and the user can print the batch. Call the button "Print Manifest"
- Add a new Liquid form type called Shipment Batch and create a new default shipment batch liquid form.
- When the print button is clicked, the new liquid form is used to create a PDF for printing.
- Use the example from the client as an example:
The Top will be Driver Manifest (the party company name of the internal organization the shipment batch belongs to)
Leave the mileage out and in the blank. Truck # will come from the route field on the order object. The driver will come from a custom field (to be added by the user) on the sales order.
Sort the batch items by load # in reverse order.
The load #and # of pallets will come from the new fields added. The Stop# is the reverse of load #. If a batch has 3 items and there is load 1, 2, 3. The stop # for each load is 3, 2, 1 and we will display the items sorted by stop location name showing the name of the company
The address is the address of the ship to the address of the order. If there is no ship-to address for an order, use the address on the customer record.
[VA-8586] - Ship non-inventoried products together with the order on the shipment posting page via the new setting. Also, handle service items in KIT
- In Versa when a user uses picklist to pick the products and then post shipments, non-inventoried products on the orders are skipped (non-inventoried products cannot be picked on picklist) so when the shipment is posted, the lines with the non-inventoried product are not included in the shipment.
- Versa has now added a way for users to include such lines automatically in the shipment when the line totals are zero.
- Versa has added a new setting in Setup>Outgoing SO shipment Including Non-Inventoried Items on Invoices After Shipment Is Posted.
- When this setting is on and when a shipment is posted, the system will check if order lines with non-inventoried products and their total is zero are included in the shipment, if not, they will be added to the invoice (with no shipment created). Normally, non-inventoried products can be shipped on the shipment page but for shipments created from the picklist, non-inventoried products are not excluded.
- This is only done the first time any of the order lines are shipped. This is for the case when the user creates a pick list to ship an order, non-inventoried products are not picked and therefore not included on the shipment page. If a user goes to the regular shipment page, they can choose to ship non-inventoried products.
- Also, if the user ships a KIT with a service and an inventoried product (service was recently added to the kit), only the product can be shipped. The system also includes any of the services in the related kit on the resulting invoice. This is controlled by the existing setting Include Service Items on Invoices After Shipment Is Posted.
[VA-8678] - Show the Unit multiplier Under the purchase unit in the PO planner if the purchase unit is different from the stocking unit
[VA-8679] - Add an option to make the PO planner always show all products
- Versa has added a new setting to Setup>PO planner settings to include all products
[VA-8480] - Implement special bin location using identification type and add bin location transfer
- Versa has now introduced a feature that will allow users to define a special bin location type that is unpickable.
- Also, we have added a new field to the container type "not pickable". When a bin location type is not pickable, it means the user cannot ship or pick the quantity residing in the bin.
- On the shipment page, the user can select which bin location to pick the quantity from, and hide the bin that is marked as unpickable.
- When a user will pick an unpickable bin Versa will show the error message "This bin location 'xx' is not pickable. Choose another bin location or move the quantity out of this bin location.
- On the pick list show page, there is also a list to show bin locations. A user can also hide bin location that is unpickable.
- To facilitate the moving of quantity from one bin location to another, we have also added a transfer bin location quantity feature.
- To do a transfer user currently have to go to bin location transactions. Reduce the quantity from the origin bin and then increase qty in the destination bin.
- We have added another menu item to products, Warehouse management, "Bin Location Transfer". On this new page, the user will choose an origin bin location and a destination bin location and then qty to transfer.
- After posting the transfer, the user will reduce qty at the origin bin and increase qty at the destination bin.
[VA-8600] - Bin transfers reorder fields
- Versa has added an option for Bin Transfer Orders.
- To initiate a transfer a user needs to select the product first and then Versa will update the transfer from and transfer list to only be container/bin location used by the product.
[VA-8626] - Auto pick picklist and other enhancements
- A new button is added to the picklist page Auto Pick. When it is clicked, the system will pick the quantity for each line on the picklist based on what quantities are available (qty available). Any items that are short will be indicated (in Yellow) on the screen (existing feature).
- On the shipment screen, the user can request labels by creating as many carrier packages as needed for the shipment and not be restricted by the shipment packages created from Versa pick pack process. The labels and the tracking numbers will be saved in versa when the shipment is posted. We have added a button on the shipment page "Add Package" and the user can create a new package (with no order shipment item related). This link will only show up after at least one shipment package with items has been created. Also, added a new setting to show this button. The button is added to the setup, outgoing SO shipment, "Allow New Shipment Packages Be Created Without Items". Tooltip: "If you want to create new shipment packages but not relate the packages to the order items, activate this setting and you will see a new button 'Add Package" on the shipment page".
[VA-8643] - Send tracking number from Versa to woo
- In Versa cloud ERP when a shipment is posted and if the tracking details are provided Versa now will send it to Woo Commerce.
[VA-8653] - Include pick list link on sales order/invoice
- Versa has added a feature where if an order has related picklist, when viewing the order, it now has a section on the order page: Related Picklists
- Also, if an invoice is from orders that have related picklists, Versa will show the same information.
[VA-8672] - Add USPS Flat Rate Box option with the Easy Post
- In Versa users wants to pass a list of pre-defined package names to save money using these packages
- We have added a new option to shipping carrier setup for EasyPost. A checkbox "Use predefined packages"
- Once this is checked, Versa will show a list of pre-defined packages on the shipments/new page for user to select.
- We also allow user to get shipping rate and labels on the picklist show view. Go to setup, feature settings, picklist , "Get Shipping Rates And Generate Labels On Picklist" to turn on getting shipping rate on the picklist show page.
- When the new setting to use pre-defined package is on(check of the current firm has any active shipping carrier with the kind easy post and with the setting to show pre-defined packages), we will list a list of packages from UPS, USPS, FedEx for now .
- User will be able to choose from a list of packages (a new field to be added). Once a pre-defined package is selected, there is no need for user to fill in the package dimension (there are required at the moment). Weight is still required.
- When not selected, everything works the current way.
[VA-8680] - Add partially allocated as status on logistics-open so
- Versa has added new status on open SO's as partially allocated.
[VA-8692] - User can post a shipment on the picklist show page
- Versa has added a new feature when a picklist is marked as ready to ship, Versa will show the shipment post option similar to the shipment/new page.
- We have added these options to the picklist page when the setting " Get Shipping Rates And Generate Labels On Picklist " (from setup>ui/feature settings>picklist) is on.
[VA-8779] - Bill API: Return additional detail about shipment receipts for bill items
[VA-8713] - User can assign an order to an existing shipment batch
- In Versa user can assign orders to a new shipment batch ( from orders, sales orders, open orders, ship via batch). But there is no way to add an order to a shipment batch that already exists.
- Versa has added a new shipment batch field to the sales order edit view, to show a list of shipment batch that is not finished or cancelled.
- If the order is already in the batch, select the batch in the list. If users choose to assign the order to a different batch it is in, then they can switch the order to the new batch.
[VA-8807] - Add new setting to hide carrier , shipment no, container, port form receiving page
- Versa has added to Settings to hide the additional fields for receipts.
- For users to hide the setting they can go to Setting> PO Shipment receipt>and uncheck Show Additional Fields For Receipts that controls the visibility of additional fields for receipts.
[VA-8842] - User can scan barcode of products anywhere in the App
- In Versa a user can scan barcode for the product and the application will look up if the product is on picklist or unreceived POs, a popup will show the picklist or PO . User can also click on the picklist link to go view the picklist or PO link to receive the PO .
- When user is on new receipts page and a scan happens, currently Versa will find the PO the product is on and filter the page to show the lines in the PO . But subsequent scan of the product does not do the actual receive (add the line to the shipment package). Adding support to scan product barcode for each line in the PO and the line will be add to the shipment page so user can scan all the products they are receiving.
- Versa has also add a setting for scanner support (existing settings from other areas) so user can find them easily. New link under setup, UI/Feature settings, scanner
[VA-8795] - Move shipping address to be shown as new tab in customer show view
- In Versa a User has to click on more , shipping addresses to get to shipping address. Versa has now moved the shipping address to be a tab like transactions or notes.
- If there is no shipping address for the customer, then show a button to add new shipping address.
- If there are shipping addresses, show them (as cards which it current does) on the screen.
- The content of the shipping address should be fetched via ajax (like the transactions tab) when the tab is clicked.
[VA-8851] - Link versa parts to product variations in Woo Commerce
- A product in Woo can have variations. In this case, Versa will link to individual variations under the product and not to the product itself.
- Need to also change inventory update to support variations.
General Feature Enhancements
[VA-8594] - A user without firm admin permission can't see the tools menu
- Versa now enables users without a firm admin permission users can access Imports and Exports or Getting Started, they can see the tools menu and the menu item Imports and Exports and Getting Started.
[VA-8493] - Update the 1099 form for the year 2022
- Versa has added 1099 forms for the year 2022
[VA-8602] - Refine permission levels in the General Ledger menu
- Versa has enhanced the user permission for 'GL Posting' permission to allow users to access additional GL-related items
- User with permission can see the General Ledger menu, chart of accounts all, list transactions (all, exclude reversal), reconciliation menu items, and fixed assets.
- Users with Manual GL transactions can access list transactions, new G/l Entry
[VA-8616] - Add a new field to store packed users
- Versa will now store both the picker and the packer with each picklist.
[VA-8566] - Return sales order status and Provide Invoice link via API
- In Versa when sales order items are shipped and the option to create a new invoice is not checked on the new shipment page. Order shipment is created and no invoice is created.
- The workflow is for the user to go create an invoice for the customer and then choose a link to shipments in the invoice item form. All the shipped order items are listed individually and if an order has many lines, the user has to choose the lines one by one which can take a while.
- Versa has added a new option to Say "Link to Order #123". This allows the user to choose all the un-invoiced order items for the order. The user will choose Link to Order #123 and then click on Create for the item, the system will create one invoice line for each un-invoiced order item for the selected order.
[VA-8395] - The firm can get URL to view invoices anonymously through API
- A firm can retrieve the URL to view an invoice (access invoice through a key same process when emailing an invoice to a customer from the app) from the API for the invoice.
- Add a new method invoice link which will return a link to view the invoice. This way, a firm can generate an invoice through our API and then send the link to their customer for presentation and also for online payment
[VA-8560] - Simplify UI for case and notes
- Versa has created another access for "new case" in the Case, new case menu. Previously, users can only create a new case from the customer list or customer page. The user will need to choose a customer to associate the case to when creating a new case this way. If the new case link is chosen from the customer listing or customer page, the customer is pre-selected.
[VA-8632] - Change versa to allow GL with zero debit or zero credit to post
[VA-8675] - Create export for product identifications
- Currently in Versa users can import product identifications. We have added a feature that enables users to export them.
- Versa has added an export product identification as a link to tools, getting started, production identification.
[VA-8711] - Event log filtering by event detail type
- Versa has now added a filter on the Events page, that will enable the users to filter the events they want to see.
[VA-8605] - Universal Search in Versa
- Versa has added a quick search option for users that will enable users to search across customer, supplier, products, and shipping.
VA-8708] - Enhancements to accounting transaction import
- Import is from Tools, Imports and exports, Accounting Transaction Import. There are a number of optional fields we have simplified the template provided to the user.
Quick Import format
Provide a new template called "Quick Import Format" for user to download. Use this format for most of your imports and only essential fields are needed.
The quick import will have the following columns:
The required fields are:
gl_account_number or gl_account_name, date, amount
Import will be modified to support both formats and to not required as many fields as it currently does.
if transaction_id is not provided, all the lines will be grouped by transaction date. All lines with the same transaction date will be imported in one accounting transaction. Otherwise, the lines are grouped by transaction_id and for each transaction_id, post one accounting transaction with all the lines with the same transation_id. this is existing logic.
If currency_code is not provided, the currency used is the currency of the GL account (call currency(interal_org_id) on gl_acccount model). multiplier defaults to 1. If the currency of the GL account is different from the currency of the current internal organization, multiplier is then an required field and cannot be blank.
The full template has the debit and credit columns, we will support a new column amount (there is still support for debut or credit field). Either amount should be provided or one of debit or credit column should be provided. If amount is provided, we will use this rule to translate amount into debit or credit .
if default_debit_credit_flag return true for gl_account, (default_debit_credit_flag is a method)
if amount is positive, then amount is a credit,
if amount is negative, then amount is a debit.
if default_debit_credit_flag return false for gl_account,
if amount is positive, then amount is a debit,
if amount is negative, then amount is a credit.
[VA-8787] - Add scope checking for API access
- When subscribing to a new client application, the access required for the application is clearly listed and user will agree to the access level to subscribe to the application.
- This will also log the API access.
[VA-8637] - New vertical menu styling
- Versa has updated the UI for the Vertical menu.
[VA-8848] - Change to quick import format for accounting transaction import
- In Versa for quick import format for accounting transaction import a positive number meant credit for CR balanced GL accounts, negative number meant debit for CR balanced GL accounts. Versa has now updated it to positive number means debit and negative number means credit.
- In This way, if a user wants to check if the transaction in the file is balanced, he will just total the amount column. If it is zero, then all transactions are balanced.
[VA-8856] - Allow user to choose chart type and compare to previous periods
- Versa will now allow user to choose chart type : pie, bar, column, area for these charts: The sales by customer, by product, by service, by dimension and by sales channel charts.
- We will also allow user to specifying the reporting period (default to show last 12 months before today's data if user does not choose a reporting period which match previous behavior's)
- We have added i label to each widget showing these charts so user know where the data comes from. Also cache the data for the widget for 15 minutes. And also show the periods being used to display the chart in the widget itself.
- When compare to a previous period, user can choose the period right before the reporting period or the same period last year.
- For sales by product chart, we show top 10 products for a period. When comparing to previous period, we will look at the top 10 products in the previous period and combine the top 10 products from period 1 to period 2. This list can be from 10 to 20 products.
- Same for sales by customer which shows top 5 customers. When comparing to previous period, the customer shown can be from 5 to 10.
[VA-8880] - Adjust margin of new vertical menu
- We have reduced margins and width of left menu when expanded so we have more width to display content.
[VA-8883] - Switch all user to the new navigation and display a message on dashboard on how to switch it back and retirement date of existing menu.
[VA-8709] - User can map an new CSV file into the accounting transaction import format
- We have added a new option to accounting transaction import. We have added 2 new tabs to the top Versa Format and Other Formats.
- Versa will now enable users to upload CSV/XLS/XLSX files from our template and "translate" it into an importable file.
- The files will show all the columns in the file and then ask you to map each column to a column in Versa's file format. A column can only be mapped once to a Versa column.
[VA-8894] - Show link to event log after a bin transaction file import
- After a user does a bin transaction import Versa will show the user where to see the event log.
[VA-8767] - Add Internal References as new column to sales by Products and Services report
- Versa will include internal ref on invoice as a new column to the report Sales by Products and Services.
[VA-8845] - Move setting, integrations links into new integration page
- Versa has included additional integration into the new integrations page. These will include most of the menu items currently under setup, integration, EDI VAN, shipping carrier, payment gateway
- We have added a new setup item under Setup>Company>Client applications that will allow the users to see and mange the application currently in use by the business.
- For webhook , it is now as a menu item under Setup, Company (before Work Centers)
- For email access ,it is now as a menu item under Setup, Company (before Events)
- Shipping carrier is now under category shipping on the Tools>Integrations page.
- Payment gateway is now under Financial Services on the Tools>Integrations page.
- EDI Van will be under Marketplace on the Tools>Integrations page.
Comments and Suggestions
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