[VA-8924] - Product weight shipping conversion not always converting
[VA-8958] - Shopify order S-4339 is not coming through
Release Notes
[VA-8837] - Create new reminder widget
- Versa has created a new reminder option in the widgets that remind user to do some certain things. This widget will be accessible by all users and the content will be based on the permission the user has.
- The widget will be listed under Other Section for widget category on the dashboard
- Each reminder will be shown with a name and a number. User will click on the number to see more details about this reminder.
Total Unposted Invoice To Post: xx
Description: A list of all invoices that are not posted.
Permission: Accounts Receivable Full Access
Calculation: Total number of invoices with no related accounting transactions.
Total Open Orders To Ship: XX
Description: Total number of open sales orders (order with sales order status of 'Partial Shipped' or 'Ready', or 'On Hold')
Permission needed: Shipping
Total Shipments To Invoice: XX
Description: Total number of order shipments that do not have an invoice
Permission: Accounts Receivable Full Access
Calculation: Total number of order shipments (posted) that has no related invoice.
Total Open Purchase Order XX
Description: Total number of open purchase orders
Permission: Receiving
Calculation: Total number of open purchase orders.
Total Shipment Receipts to Bill: xx
Description: A list of all posted shipment receipts with no bill attached.
permission: Accounts payable.
Total Bills Due XX
Description: A list of bills that is either due or over due.
Permission: Accounts Payable
Pending Purchase Order To Receive XX
Description: A list of shipment receipts that is not posted.
Permission: Receiving
Open Work Orders XX
Description: Total number of work orders with status of not complete.
Permission: BOM
Pending Production Builds xx
Description: A list of production builds with the status of 'Scheduled Pending Start'
Permission: BOM
In Process Production Builds xx
Description: A list of production builds with the status of 'In Process'
Permission: BOM
Documents to Approve xxx
Description: Total number of documents to approve in the workflow module for the current user
Permission: Workflow Approval
Total Item To Follow-up XX
Permission: All users.
Description: A list of communication notes with a follow up assigned to the current user
For each user, Versa will determine a list of applicable reminders based on their user permission and display the reminder.
- Only user with the right permission can see the reminders.
[VA-8963] - Create new function that will create custom field values for parts to be used in Power BI
Comments and Suggestions
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