Release Notes
[VA-8940] - Create new feature Dunning Schedule for sales invoices
- A dunning schedule is tied to the account receivable process. When an invoice goes overdue, the firm follows certain sequences to email the customer something is overdue and eventually get the customer to pay. This is scheduled check to be run once a day.
- Add a new menu item to Setup>Feature Settings>Dunning Schedule (before Emailing). This menu item is only visible for firms with the feature enabled.
- In this setting page, user will be asked to define a sequence of email to be sent when an invoice is x days overdue.
- All fields are required for a sequence. User can add as many sequence as needed. There is also a checkbox to activate this setting.
- Users can update the dunning email from the setup>feature settings>custom forms>dunning notification
- User cannot choose the same form to be used in multiple sequences and also the days overdue cannot be reused in another sequence.
- This feature is free for the first 50 emails. Please contact support for pricing of the full version
[VA-8960] - Import supplier quantities on hand from FTP site for 3rd party owned facility
- Versa will now be able to connect to FTP sites and update inventory for 3rd party owned facilities.
- Users can associate 3rd party owned facility to a FTP site (use existing ftp servers model)
- For facilities with a facility type of 3rd party owned inventory, Versa has added a list of ftp servers to the facility edit view, so the user can associate a FTP record to facility
[VA-9037] - Distribute tariffs by products
- Versa will now enabled to Calculate tariff cost for products based on tariff rate entered into the system and add to the receiving cost of the inventory.
Import tariff rate
Create a new table to hold the tariff rate for products. Add a new import under Imports and Exports for tariff rates. A tariff rate can have a country of origin (where it is being imported from) and a rate . If no country of origin is provided then it is used as a global rate.
New tariff
Added a tariff rate tab to parts edit view that shows the tariff rates for parts. A part can have many different tariff rates because each country of origin can have a different rate.
In the tariff tab, the user can add, edit, and delete a rate.
New setting
Versa added new setting to setup, feature settings, shipment receipts. "Estimate Tariff Cost When Receiving Inventory". Tooltip "The estimate tariff cost is calculated based on tariff rates stored with the products. Estimated cost is added to the cost of the inventory received." When this setting is turned on, user will be asked to choose an organization GL account "GL Account to Use To Store Estimated Tariff".
Tooltip "Create a new GL account (Tariff Payable for example) that will be used to store the cost of estimated tariff. Once the final cost is known, create a bill and use the final amount to offset the balances in this GL account. Additional cost will need to be booked if final cost differs from estimated cost."
Change to accounting transaction posting for shipment receipts
We will find the tariff rate to use based on the supplier's country. If a tariff rate is found for the supplier's (from the PO ) country, we use that. Otherwise, we use rate with no country attached.
When this new setting is on, during shipment receipt posting, we will calculate the tariff rate based on the cost of the items. tariff rate * total PO item value without taxes but with adjustments. We will add this cost to the inventory value that is posted to the asset account for this product and CREDIT the account set in 'GL Account to Use To Store Estimated Tariff' setting.
Reconcile difference during bill item posting
When a new bill item is entered, the user will have the option to indicate the new bill item is to pay for tariff related to a particular shipment containing many shipment receipts by using the feature to allocate bill item to cost to shipment receipts. When Allocate bill item cost to shipment receipt checkbox is checked, we will ask for the allocation method. We added a third method "Use Tariff Rate On Products". This 3rd method is only visible if the setting "Estimate Tariff Cost When Receiving Inventory" is on.
Once this bill item is saved, we need to save the relationship between the shipment id and the bill item.
When when the bill is posted, we will first find the tariff value that is calculated during shipment receipt posting and the value is stored in the shipment receipt record. We will create 4 accounting transaction details lines for each shipment receipt in the shipment. We will then recalculate what the new tariff amount should be for each shipment receipt based on the new bill line item value.
The first 2 is to reverse the tariff that was posted with the shipment receipts. CREDIT the asset account for the product and DEBIT the account set in 'GL Account to Use To Store Estimated Tariff' setting..
Then 2 lines will be to put in the new tariff amount. DEBIT to the asset account for this product and CREDIT the accounts payable. New tariff amount for each shipment receipt is calculated by.
Add up all the tariff amount that is recorded during shipment receipts for all shipment receipts selected to be allocated on the bill item. This is total estimated tariff amount bill item line item value * current shipment receipt's estimated tariff amount / total estimated tariff amount on all related shipment receipts.
[VA-9038] - Support allocate cost to shipment receipts in average costing mode
- Versa enables users to allocate bill items to shipment receipt feature( only supported in FIFO mode). Versa has also enabled this for users with average costing mode.
- In average costing mode, each part has an organization GL account and there is no sub-account created for each shipment receipt. All inventory items related to a part (with the same unit) share the same organization GL account. Except for lotted parts and serialized parts, each lot has one inventory item with its own organization GL account and each serial number has one inventory item with its own organization GL account.
- The full amount on the bill items is distributed to the entire quantity on shipment receipts for non-lotted and non-serialized parts. This will be the same case as nothing is sold case in FIFO mode
- In addition, going forward when a line item is allocated by shipment receipts, the GL account will not be required in the bill item form. This field will be disabled when the allocated to shipment receipt checkbox is checked.
[VA-9109] - User can import sales orders with shipment detail as historical shipments
- Versa has added the ability to add a new column "Shipped Qty" to the sales order import file to note the qty shipped on an order, and an optional column shipped date is used to indicate the date of the shipment and if not provided, the order date is used instead.
- These 2 columns are only looked at for firms in non-transaction mode.
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