If you want to add a common footer to your forms (invoice, orders, quotes and other), you can first make a copy of the default forms Versa provides if you have not already customized the form.
Go to Enterprise Setup, Custom forms and then choose the forms to make a copy.
Once a copy is made, you can edit it and look at the footer options. The default option is to show the page number.
Once a copy is made, you can edit it and look at the footer options. The default option is to show the page number.
If you want to provide your own footer in forms, choose the footer option : Display my own footer. Set the footer height to control the height displayed. Provide the actual text to display in the footer.
You can use special words like page_number and total_page_number to get the current page number and the total number of page displayed.
Text like this Page page_number of total_page_number will be displayed as Page 1 of 2.
In the custom footer text, you can use liquid syntax to get dynamic information.
Like {{order.order_number}}
to show current order number
Once a form is customized, you can make it the default form by going to form listing page and click a little checkmark button to make it the default across the application.
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