Inside the quote form, you have access to an object called quote.
It has the following fields:
valid_from_date: A date indicating when the quote is valid.
valid_through_date: A date indicating when the quote is valid till.
issue_date: Date the quote is issued.
quote_number: Quote number.
currency: Currency object.
internal_reference: Internal reference no.
customer_bill_to: The customer the quote is for.
quote_items: A list of quote items. See quote items.
quote_item_subtotal_no_tax: Total of all quote lines before taxes.
value: Total of quote including taxes and adjustments.
firm: The firm the quote belongs to.
total_taxes_array: A list of taxes summarized for all lines.
description: Message of the quote.
public_custom_fields_list: A list of custom fields related to quote.
id: Id of the quote.
sales_agent: Sales agent related to the quote. Sales agent object has one field called party. See here.
term: Sales term of the quote.
tags: A list of dimension tags related to quote. See dimension tag.
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