What is Liquid and what can I do with it?
Liquid is a templating language with a very simple syntax. You can use it to perform light logic and data manipulation. Liquid code is found enclosed by {{ }} or {%%}. We call them markup.
There are two types of markup in liquid:
- Logic tags: Logic tags are conditional liquid statements. They are the statement that tells the code what to do and typically contain logic to check for certain conditions or execute code. They look like this {%xx %} . Read more about Logic tags.
- Output tags: Output tags display the variables found between it. You can also use filters to change the output returned. They look like this {{ xyz }} . Read more about Output tags
To use liquid, you will need to use a combination of logic and output tags using liquid operators. Operators allow you to do basic logic operation such as add/subtract, comparison, looping through an array of items and many more. Read more about Liquid operator.
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