Review overview of products and parts first to understand some important concepts.
Also review this article about preparing CSV file for import.
You get import Products, parts and services from 2 places: Tools menu, getting started or Tools menu, imports and exports. If you do not have access to getting started area, use the imports and exports area.
Fields for importing products and parts
Fields are required unless marked as optional.
- product_or_service: This is used to indicate if a product is a product (something that you keep inventory of) or it is a service . It it either "PRODUCT" or "SERVICE"
- product_name: Optional for inventoried products. This is the trading name of the product. Keep blank if the product is inventoried and it will use the default description(as specified in description column). The system will use the part_number as product name in lieu.
- product_description: Optional. This is the longer description of the product. Can be blank for inventoried product. System will use description instead.
- product_long_description: Optional. This is even longer description of the product. Can be blank. Usually store detail description about the product.
- part_number: This is the number of the part that this product is related to. Part number needs to be unique in the system. Not required if the product is a service or non-inventoried product.
- description: This is the short description of the part. Not required if the product is a service.
- measurement_unit: Optional. The measurement unit of the product. Default to EA
- gl_account: Optional. The name of the GL account to be used to record inventory value for the part. Use "Finished Goods" or "Raw Materials", "WIP" if you want to record inventory in the default GL account "Inventory of goods for sale", "Raw Materials", or "Work in Progress (or Goods in Process)". If you want to use non-default GL accounts, you must first create the GL account with the Account Type set to Asset and Account Subtype set to inventory, then put the name of the gl account here. Default to Inventory: Finished Goods if not provided. Not used if the product is non-inventoried or creating a service.
- product_category: The name of the product categories this product belongs to. Product category must first be defined . The default product categories that are in your set up are Raw Materials, Manufactured Goods, Goods Purchased for Resale, Non-Inventoried Purchased Products, Non-Inventoried Sold Products, Purchased Services, Sold Services. Required field.
- batch_quantity: Optional.This is used for bill of material. Keep it as 1 if you do not use BOM for this part.
- batch_measurement_unit:Optional. This is used for bill of material. Keep it as EA if you do not use BOM for this part.
- weight: Optional. Weight of the part if you keep weight. Not required.
- weight_measurement_unit: Optional. Measurement unit of weight. Not required.
- serial_numbered: Optional. Set this to TRUE if the product has serial numbers and you want the system to track them. Leave blank otherwise.
- lotted: Optional. Set this to TRUE if the product has lot numers and you want the system to track them. Leave blank otherwise.
- format_qualifier: Optional. This is used when the column lotted or serial_numbered is set to TRUE. See field qualifier. Default to "Any Text".
- tax_code: Optional. Set the default tax code to apply for this product when you are using tax code . Can be blank.
- product_variant_name: Optional. If this product has many product variants, specify the part number or the product name of the variants. Comma separate the product names/part number. For example, if you have a product called T-Shirt and you have 2 variants called Green T-Shirt and Red T-Shirt, you would have 3 lines in your file.First one is green shirt and second one is red shirt. Last one is T-shirt. In the product_variant_name for T-Shirt, you would put in Greeen T-Shirt,Red T-Shirt
- sort_order: optional field. Works with Product Catalog and Party Portal.
Dimension Fields
If you use dimensions for reporting and you also want to apply dimensions to your products, you would create columns like this "dim Region". Region would be a dimension you have created. The format of the column is "dim dimension_name". If you do not plan to use dimension for reporting, delete the columns in the example template that have the name "dim xxx".
Dimension can be assigned to both Parts and Products. For dimensions on parts, prefix the column header with part. For example, 'part dim Region'
Custom fields on inventoried products
If you have additional fields you want to store with your inventoried products, you can create custom fields during import.
Name your column title like this part_custom_field_field_name .
If you have custom field with names like Texture, Size, Color, the column names will be part_custom_field_texture, part_custom_field_size, part_custom_field_color.
Previously, the custom field column headers can also be named by the data type of custom field it is. Like text_field_color, decimal_field_size .
Custom fields on trading names
For services, non-inventoried products and also inventoried products. You create create additional custom fields to be used. For services, non-inventoried products, the custom field will be on the product/service itself. For inventoried products, the custom field will be on the trading names. Prefix you column names with product_custom_field_.
If you have custom field with names like Texture, Size, Color, the column names will be product_custom_field_texture, product_custom_field_size, product_custom_field_color
Additional fields (optional)
Import Additional Trading Names for Products
product_name_2, product_description_2,product_measure_unit_2, product_category_2 columns are used when you have one inventoried product but they are offer as different products with different trading names. You would put the first trading name information in product_name, product_description,product_category columns and put information about the second trading name in product_name_2, product_description_2, product_measurement_unit_2, product_category_2 columns. If you sell this product with a third name then create additional columns like product_name_3, product_description_3,product_measurement_unit_3, product_category_3. You can add as many new selling names as needed by creating 4 additional columns for each variations. Make sure the ending number for column names is sequential and goes up like this product_name,product_name_2,product_name_3,product_name_4,product_name_5 etc.
Fields for reorder points
- min_quantity: Set this to the minimal quantity you would like to keep in stock as inventory.
- reorder_quantity: Set this to the minimal quantity you would order on purchase order.
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