Review overview of products and parts first to understand some important concepts.
Also review this article about preparing CSV file for import.
You would use the Import Products And Services Pricing option under Getting Started to bring in selling and purchasing prices for your products. Use the csv flle products_and_services_pricing.csv. This file is used to import purchasing and selling prices for products. If you put in the purchase and selling price for the same product, you will create 2 rows in this file.
There are a few columns required for this csv import file. You might need to create multiple rows for each product depending on you price your products.
If setting a selling price for product
The columns va_customer_id, customer_identifier, customer_company_name is only used when you are specifying special pricing for just one customer. Leave them blank if you are loading generic price that applies to everyone. Only one of the 3 columns va_customer_id, customer_identifier, customer_company_name needs to be populated when you are assigning price to one customer.
Product Name: Put in the part number of the products or the product name for non-inventoried product.
customer_company_name: Put in the customer's name if you are setting a special price just for this customer. Leave blank otherwise.
customer_identifier: If you have assigned an identifier (part of the customer record) to a customer, you can put the customer's identifier here. Leave blank if you do not have identifiers for customers.
va_customer_id: Each existing customer is assigned an id . Use this to specify a customer. Leave bank if not used.
supplier_company_name: Leave blank for selling price
break_quantity: Set to 1 in general. If you have difference prices when the quantity being purchased is more than one, then create a new row for it.
measurement_unit: The unit of the product being offered as defined when the product is created.
price: The actual purchase price
pricing_basis_type: One of List Pricing, Inventory Cost and Base Unit Pricing. Default is Listing Pricing where you define an absolute price for a product. Choose Inventory Cost if you want to base your selling price on the actual cost of the product plus a markup %. Base Unit Pricing is when you want to price your product in your stocking units (when you selling unit is different from stocking unit).
percentage: Use when Inventory Cost pricing type is specified in column pricing_basis_name. This is the percentage to add on top of your cost for the selling price. Leave blank if not using Inventory Cost pricing basis name.
currency_code: The currency that the price is set at. USD if you only deal in US dollar.
supplier_part_number: This is used to populate the Approved Vendor/Supplier record. Leave blank for selling price.
supplier_primary: Leave blank
Here are some example for selling prices.
1. This line in the csv file sets the selling price for screwdriver to be 10 USD when customer buys 1 or more.
Product Name | customer_company_name | supplier_company_name | break_quantity | measurement_unit | price | currency_code |
screwdriver | 1 | EA | 10 | USD |
2.You are discounting the product based on the volume being purchased. This line sets the selling price for screwdriver to be 9.5 USD when customer buys 10 or more. Create a new row in the csv file for each quantity break you offer.
Product Name | customer_company_name | supplier_company_name | break_quantity | measurement_unit | price | currency_code |
screwdriver | 10 | EA | 9.5 | USD |
3.You are discounting the product based on which customer is buying. This line sets the selling price for screwdriver to be 9 USD when this customer called "My Best Customer" buys 10 or more. Create a new row in the csv file for each special price you offer to each customer.
Product Name | customer_company_name | supplier_company_name | break_quantity | measurement_unit | price | currency_code |
screwdriver | My Best Customer | 1 | EA | 9.00 | USD |
If setting a purchase price for product
There are 3 columns va_supplier_id, supplier_identifier,supplier_company_name for suppliers. Only one of the 3 columns needs to be populated. These are the different ways of specifying a supplier
Product Name: Put in the part number of the products or product name for non-inventoried products.
va_customer_id: Leave blank.
customer_identifier: Leave blank.
customer_company_name: Leave blank.
va_supplier_id: Each existing supplier is assigned an id . Use this to specify a supplier. Leave bank if not used.
supplier_identifier: If you have assigned an identifier (part of the supplier record) to a supplier, you can put the supplier's identifier here. Leave blank if you do not have identifiers for suppliers.
supplier_company_name: Put in the supplier's name who you purchase the item from. If you have multiple suppliers for the same product, create one new row for each supplier. Leave this blank if either va_supplier_id or supplier_identifier is used.
break_quantity: Set to 1 in general. If you have difference prices when the quantity being purchased is more than one, then create a new row for this price and put the quantity in break_quantity column.
measurement_unit: The unit of the product being offered as defined when the product is created.
price: The actual purchase price
currency_code: The currency that the price is set at. USD if you only deal in US dollar.
supplier_part_number: This is used to populate the Approved Vendor/Supplier record. Put the supplier's part number in here. If this is present, the system will create an approved vendor/supplier record if one is not present.
supplier_primary:This is used to populate the Approved Vendor/Supplier record. If you have multiple suppliers for the same products, set to TRUE to indicate the primary supplier for a product.
1. This line in the csv file sets the purchasing price for screwdriver to be 5 USD when you buy one or more from supplier ABC corp.
Product Name | customer_company_name | supplier_company_name | break_quantity | measurement_unit | price | currency_code |
screwdriver | ABC Corp | 1 | EA | 5 | USD |
2. This line in the csv file sets the purchasing price for screwdriver to be 4.5 USD when you buy 1000 or more from supplier ABC corp.
Product Name | customer_company_name | supplier_company_name | break_quantity | measurement_unit | price | currency_code |
screwdriver | ABC Corp | 1000 | EA | 4.5 | USD |
3. This line in the csv file sets the purchasing price for screwdriver to be 5.05 USD when you buy one or more from supplier Sun corp.
Product Name | customer_company_name | supplier_company_name | break_quantity | measurement_unit | price | currency_code |
screwdriver | Sun Corp | 1 | EA | 5.05 | USD |
4. This line in the csv file sets the purchasing price for screwdriver to be 6 CAD when you buy one or more from supplier ABC corp. This is useful if you buy from a supplier in a foreign currency,
Product Name | customer_company_name | supplier_company_name | break_quantity | measurement_unit | price | currency_code |
screwdriver | ABC Corp | 1 | EA | 6 | CAD |
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