If you want to create GL transactions/Accounting Transactions directly without posting invoices or bills, you can import them from a CSV file from Tools Menu, Imports and Exports, and Accounting Transaction Import.
There are 2 formats for you to use. Full Import has many fields for advanced usage. Quick import should be the default format you use most of the time. In the full import template, you can reference sub-accounts for Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, multiple entities (if you have multiple entities).
Download the CSV template by clicking on "Full Import Format or Quck Import Format" and open it in Excel or your favourite spreadsheet application.
The Quick Import Format
This template has the following columns:
transaction_id: You can create multiple Journal/Accounting transactions with one file. This column should contain unique number for each GL transactions you want to post. If you have 2 lines for a GL transaction (a debit and a credit), then both lines would need to have the same transaction_id. If you keep this column blank, then all the rows in the CSV file will be imported into one GL transaction.
gl_account_number: The account number of the account. Optional.
gl_account_name: The account name of the account. Required unless gl_account_number is provided.
date: The date of the transaction. It needs to be in the format of yyyy-mm-dd
amount: The amount to debit or credit. Remove all thousand separators. You need to have either a Debit or Credit amount. Use positive amounts for Debit and Negative for Credit. For debit balance account, You would normally use positive value for Debiting. For Credit balance accounts, you would normally use negative value to Crediting
currency_code: The currency the transaction is in. For example, USD, CAD. Required
multiplier: Exchange rate. Set it to 1 if the transaction is in the same currency as your home currency. Set it to the exchange rate if the transaction is in a foreign currency. The exchange rate would be used to multiple transaction amounts (either debit or credit) by to convert to home currency. Required
Full Import Format
In the full import template, the first rows of the file list the entity/internal organization id of your firms. If you just have one entity, then only one id is present.
transaction_id: You can create multiple Journal/Accounting transactions with one file. This column should contain unique number for each GL transactions you want to post. If you have 2 lines for a GL transaction (a debit and a credit), then both lines would need to have the same transaction_id. Required.
gl_account_number: The account number of the account. Optional.
gl_account_name: The account name of the account. Required unless gl_account_number is provided.
company_identifier: Optional. See explanation below.
company_name: Optional. See explanation below.
given_name: Optional. See explanation below.
surname: Optional. See explanation below.
description: A short description of the transaction. Optional.
internal_organization_id: The id of the entity/internal organization you are targeting. If the first row of the template file only shows one id, use the id that is present. The template you download from the app lists the internal organization id in the first row.
date: The date of the transaction. It needs to be in the format of yyyy-mm-dd
debit: The amount to debit. Remove all thousand separators. You need to have either a Debit or Credit amount.
credit: The amount to credit. Remove all thousand separators. You need to have either a Debit or Credit amount.
currency_code: The currency the transaction is in. For example, USD, CAD. Required
multiplier: Exchange rate. Set it to 1 if the transaction is in the same currency as your home currency. Set it to the exchange rate if the transaction is in a foreign currency. The exchange rate would be used to multiple transaction amounts (either debit or credit) by to convert to home currency. Required
comment: Additional notes about the transaction. Optional
To import deposit for customers (Each customer in VersAccounts has a sub-account under the default account Customer Deposit), you can use a few additional columns which only apply to rows that have the customer deposit account (specified by gl_account_number or gl_account_name)
company_identifier: Enter the identifier of the customer to record the deposit for. This can be blank if you are not using an identifier for customers.
company_name: The name of the company
given_name: The given name if the customer is a person
surname: The last name if the customer is a person
When company_identifier is not specified, provide either company_name or given name and surname.
Dimension Fields
This is optional.
If you use dimensions for reporting and you also want to apply dimensions to your accounting transaction, you would create columns like this "dim Region". Region would be a dimension you have created. The format of the column is "dim dimension_name". For each cell in this column, specify the dimension option to apply.
The system will check all the debits and credits for each dimension is the same before you can import. To disable this check, you can go to Enterprise Setup, Entity Settings, General Ledger, Enforce Transaction Balancing Across MDR Dimensions.
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