[VA-5560] - Some Kit product when imported from webstore has no prices on invoice
[VA-5648] - When you add a kit to a sales order, the system should "remember" the project link and tag so that it is inherited in the order item form for the next line item. Works on all other products and services, but not kits.
[VA-5910] - Make Open SO page under logistic load faster
New Feature
[VA-5714] - Add allocation support for work order and chnage current allocation to commit
[VA-5876] - Bill items linked to shipment receipts of non-inventory products should inherit project links, if they exist.
[VA-5887] - Add checkbox for primary approved supplier and show primary approved supplier in import
[VA-5888] - Hide hidden products from parts search page and product listing. Add new checkbox to allow searching for hidden products
[VA-5913] - Add new setting to use today's date for invoice date when creating invoice from shipment
[VA-5551] - Make invoice with kit products looks like kid products in sales order.
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