New Features
VA-5936 Allowing change inventory costing method in entity settings if firm has no parts
VA-5954 RMA permission shows up twice in user management area when editing permission for users.
VA-5585 Only allow user to apply deposit on invoices from related sales order. New Setting Added to Entity Setting
VA-5590 Support for average selling prices on orders in a time period
VA-5591 Support auto generation of internal ref number based on custom field present on order
VA-5584 Add new setting Send Payment Remittance Advice After Bill Payment Batch is Posted in entity setting to enable ACH notification by emails for posted payment disbursement batches.
VA-5587 Allow user to create price policies with valid date ranges.
VA-5588 Add new pricing basis type for lookup price by date in orders
VA-5592 Allow sales order to have a valid from and until date to be used as a contract template
VA-5593 Make price an optional field on sales orders when the price basis type of lookup price by date
VA-5627 Post bill items and reconcile freight costs on order shipments for shipments posted with estimated freight charge.
VA-5586 Add Option to Auto apply deposit on sales order to invoice page.
VA-5705 When a order is past its validation period, do not allow it to be shipped or convert into invoice
VA-5778 Allow tax to be calculated on quantity instead of on line value
VA-5784 Show internal ref no. on the link to shipment list on new invoice item form.
VA-5785 Shipment page now show internal ref of orders on the order listing area.
VA-5850 Add new setting in Entity Setting to make tracking no as required field on shipment page
VA-5913 Add new setting in Entity Setting to use today's date for invoice date when creating invoice from shipment
VA-5914 Store monthly shipped limit for sales order for orders with shipment limits by month.
VA-5916 A price policy can have a valid till time as an optional choice
VA-5919 User can create docks for facilities and use in sales order and in shipments.
VA-5779 Recalculate tax on invoice item when the ship to address of an invoice is changed (if the setting to use tax code by ship to address is set)
VA-5781 User can enter a per quantity number to calculate deposit to be collected on sales order
VA-5684 Support 5 decimal points for pricing fields on order, invoices
VA-5834 Add a date column to the report to export for prices, under import/exports, pricing policies, export products and serviced pricing
VA-5835 On the sales order, user can able to specify Previous day pricing for when the order is shipped and invoiced
VA-5908 Add search for tracking no on shipment packages in order listing page, shipment listing page, invoice listing page
VA-5589 Allow user to store a expected freight charge as part of a price policy type and accrue it when order is shipped
VA-5928 Allow a user to choose multiple values for a custom field with type select
VA-5957 Allow user to change the price of a invoice item if the invoice item is linked to the order shipment.
VA-6017 Allow user to setup dimensions for Docks
VA-6064 Export price using the same format xls file as meridian import file format
VA-6065 The user can enter different markup for different month on an order and markup is used when the order is shipped and invoiced.
VA-6066 Allow multiple facilities by selected for sales order and user can ship from multiple facilities on the shipment page . New setting added to Entity Setting.
VA-6072 Add setting for deposit to be applied on a per unit basis
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