[VA-6459] - Inventory Position Dashboard Widget Drill Down Does not include facility filters
[VA-6460] - Aged Receivable report when filtering with a customer with single quote in its name
[VA-6491] - List All Bills sometimes shows duplicates
[VA-6502] - "blank" considered its own unique Internal Ref Number on purchase orders
[VA-6525] - Cannot change the prices on PO Planner when the Allow Override of Prices in Purchase Order Planner setting is ON
[VA-6531] - Shopify publishing product should include custom fields
New Feature
[VA-6516] - Reorganize customer and supplier page to show data in new tabs. Add new menu for customers
[VA-6523] - Load Dashboard Widget using AJAX to speed up loading
[VA-6527] - User can now edit sales order channel and invoice template field for posted invoices
[VA-6532] - Rename Communication Events to Notes
[VA-6543] - Reorganization buttons for sales order and purchase order page
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