In Versa, there is a part number for an inventoried product and it has a stocking description. A product can also have many trading names, each trading name can have its own description.
For non-inventoried products, there is just one product record and no part record.
When accessing product information in forms, you need to use the part object and the product object.
A part number with many trading names would have one part object record and many product object records. One product record is available for each trading name.
To get the trading name for a product. You can use syntax like this (example is inside an order form)
To get the description for the trading name for a product
To get the part number for the trading name for a product
To get the stcoking description for the trading name for a product
More Examples
In the sales order form, output Part Number/Trading Name followed by either the Stocking Description or the Description. For non-inventoried product including KIT parent, since this is no part recorod, only output the name and description
{% if order_item.product.part %} {{ order_item.product.part.part_number}} / {{ }} {{ order_item.product.part.description}} {{order_item.product.product_comment}} {% else %} {%comment%} For non-inventoried product including KIT parent, there is no part recorod {%endcomment%} {{ }} {{ order_item.product.description }} {% endif %}
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