Setup Webstore Setting
Once you have granted the permission in Shopify, Go back into Versa and make sure you are on the web store listing page. (Tools Menu, Web Stores). You will see your web store listed. Click on setting to set up the setting for the integration. This will control how Versa access your store.
The setting page is divided into a few sections.
The setting page is divided into a few sections.
General settings
Choose the currency of your store. You can also turn a webstore inactive. This will stop the Versa application to send and download information from your store.
If your store has multiple location enabled, you need to map the locations in Shopify to Facility in Versa. You can only map one location to one facility in Versa. Versa tracks inventory by Facility.
Settings for orders
Synchronize product images: Check if you want to synchronize the images of products in Versa with Shopify store. Versa will download the images and also update images to your store when publishing new products.
Import Open Orders Only: Only import order that is not fulfilled in Shopify.
Default facility to fulfill orders from: All the web orders would be downloaded and associated with the chosen facility. (Facility = Location in Shopify). If you use multiple locations, the system will use the location to facility mapping instead.
Put imported orders under this order channel: (optional) Versa has a concept of Sales Channel (Setup Menu, Sales Channels) You can link new orders and invoices to a sales order channel so that you can easily identify web store orders.
Link orders with no customer details to: It is possible for a Shopify order to have no customer information (POS order for example). In Versa, every order must be associated with a customer. You should create a customer (for example, call it web customer) and then choose it to be used to link to orders with no customer details.
The service for shipping/freight on imported orders: Shopify orders have shipping charges. Such charge is created as an additional order line linked to a service. Choose the service to use here. Create a new service if needed (from Products menu, New Service)
Consolidate Sales Tax Into One Tax:(optional) It is possible for a sales order to have multiple taxes. If you do not care about the detail of the taxes, you can choose to store the taxes against one tax in Versa. But the tax rate in the Versa must match the total of all the rates of the sales taxes being combined.
Automatically create invoice for orders that are fulfilled: If an order is fulfilled, Versa can create an invoice using the quantity that is fulfilled. Note: If you have existing orders in Shopify before installing Versa to your store, activating this setting will import all fulfilled orders in your store.
Record Payment Received In GL Account: Usually a cash account use to record the payment received in your webstore. You should generally created a separate Asset account (with account subtype set to Cash) in your chart of accounts (General Ledger Menu, Chart of accounts) to store payment recorded in the store. When you have received deposit from Shopify, you use a GL entry to move the amounts minus any fees to an actual bank account.
Settings for orders
Synchronize product images: Check if you want to synchronize the images of products in Versa with Shopify store. Versa will download the images and also update images to your store when publishing new products.
Import Open Orders Only: Only import order that is not fulfilled in Shopify.
Default facility to fulfill orders from: All the web orders would be downloaded and associated with the chosen facility. (Facility = Location in Shopify). If you use multiple locations, the system will use the location to facility mapping instead.
Put imported orders under this order channel: (optional) Versa has a concept of Sales Channel (Setup Menu, Sales Channels) You can link new orders and invoices to a sales order channel so that you can easily identify web store orders.
Link orders with no customer details to: It is possible for a Shopify order to have no customer information (POS order for example). In Versa, every order must be associated with a customer. You should create a customer (for example, call it web customer) and then choose it to be used to link to orders with no customer details.
The service for shipping/freight on imported orders: Shopify orders have shipping charges. Such charge is created as an additional order line linked to a service. Choose the service to use here. Create a new service if needed (from Products menu, New Service)
Consolidate Sales Tax Into One Tax:(optional) It is possible for a sales order to have multiple taxes. If you do not care about the detail of the taxes, you can choose to store the taxes against one tax in Versa. But the tax rate in the Versa must match the total of all the rates of the sales taxes being combined.
Automatically create invoice for orders that are fulfilled: If an order is fulfilled, Versa can create an invoice using the quantity that is fulfilled. Note: If you have existing orders in Shopify before installing Versa to your store, activating this setting will import all fulfilled orders in your store.
Create Invoice For Partially Fulfilled Orders: Check this if you want Invoices created for partially fulfilled orders. If order is shipped again, a new invoice is created. Uncheck this means the system will only create invoice for fully fulfilled order.
Create Sales Taxes If Not Found: If a sales tax on a Shopify order is not found when searching by name and by rate, create the new tax in Versa and then import the order.
Match taxes by name: When checked, sales tax will be match by name as present in Shopify. Otherwise, the rate is used to match the tax
Match taxes by name: When checked, sales tax will be match by name as present in Shopify. Otherwise, the rate is used to match the tax
Settings for payments
Default payment term to assign for customers created from imported orders: Specify the payment term to assign for new customer created.
For each facility (facility = Location in Shopify), you can specify where to record the payments received on orders.
Record Paypal Payment Received In GL Account: The payment account to use for Paypal accounts. Can be the same as the Record Payment Received In GL Account.
Settings for products
Match Product by: When an order is imported from Shopify, we need to determine if the product being ordered is in Versa. We can use either the Part number of product (preferred) or using a Sku product identifier which is something you have to specifically loaded from Product Identifier Import in Getting Started. We use the Sku field of a product variant in Shopify to search for the same product in Versa. We recommend you use Part Number.
Skip price updates: Versa will push the prices of products to Shopify unless this setting is turned on. Price update happens once a day. If it is off, you manage the price of products in Shopify.
Skip inventory updates: Versa will push the inventory of products in Versa to Shopify. Turn this on if you do not want inventory be updated in Shopify. Inventory update happens once a day.
Settings for products
Match Product by: When an order is imported from Shopify, we need to determine if the product being ordered is in Versa. We can use either the Part number of product (preferred) or using a Sku product identifier which is something you have to specifically loaded from Product Identifier Import in Getting Started. We use the Sku field of a product variant in Shopify to search for the same product in Versa. We recommend you use Part Number.
Skip price updates: Versa will push the prices of products to Shopify unless this setting is turned on. Price update happens once a day. If it is off, you manage the price of products in Shopify.
Skip inventory updates: Versa will push the inventory of products in Versa to Shopify. Turn this on if you do not want inventory be updated in Shopify. Inventory update happens once a day.
Auto Adjustment Of Inventory When Importing Order From Webstores: If a product is out of stock in Versa when a new Shopify order is imported and the order is fulfilled, do an automatic inventory adjustment to increase the inventory just enough to fulfill the new order. Make sure the Automatic Inventory Adjustment settings are filled in Setup Menu, Entity Feature Setting,
Automatic Inventory Adjustment.
Use product collection to match facility?: This setting allow you to specify certain collections in Shopify to be stocked by different facilities in Versa. Turn this on and you can enter the collections to match products to. It is recommended you do not use this unless absolutely needed.
Gift Products Category: Select a category for Gift Products imported into Versa. See more about gift cards here
Settings for dimensions (optional)
Settings for dimensions (optional)
Setting here are applicable if you have turned on dimensional reporting. See more about dimensions here
Sync Prices with Dimensions: Turn on Sync prices with dimensions will allow you to choose a price level to use for sync. prices with webstores.
Price Dimension Tags: Choose the actual price level to use for webstores prices
Settings for inventory adjustments
Versa will import returns in Shopify and if a return has quantity being restocked, then Versa will adjust inventory to record the return. You need to provide the setting per Facility (Facilty = Location in Shopify)
Balancing account for inventory adjustments: The GL account to use to offset the increase/decrease in inventory value. This is generally an Expense account. Go to General Ledger, Charts of Accounts if you want to create a new account.
Settings for inventory adjustments
Versa will import returns in Shopify and if a return has quantity being restocked, then Versa will adjust inventory to record the return. You need to provide the setting per Facility (Facilty = Location in Shopify)
Balancing account for inventory adjustments: The GL account to use to offset the increase/decrease in inventory value. This is generally an Expense account. Go to General Ledger, Charts of Accounts if you want to create a new account.
Inventory Adjustment Reason: The default inventory adjustment reason to use for adjustments. This can be created in Products Menu, Variance Reasons)
Settings for refunds
You need to provide the setting per Facility (Facilty = Location in Shopify)
When importing refunds in Shopify, Versa needs to know which account to return the expense and which asset account to refund the money from. Specify both accounts here. If you want to record the refund expense in accounts receivable, turn it on.
Account To Record Return Expense In: Typically an expense account is chosen here. Choose an expense account to record for the loss of revenue from refunds.
Account To Refund/Return From: For a return by customers, you either give customer a cash refund or a credit. Choose the account to record the cash refund or credit. Normally a Cash type account would be chosen.
Use Account Receivable For Refund: If you want to use accounts receivable instead of a cash account to record the refunds. Not recommenced.
Settings for custom fields (optional)
Settings for custom fields (optional)
This is now obsolete. For backwards compatibility only.
These custom fields are used for recording additional Shopify information in Versa. This is for advanced users only. Custom fields is a feature in Versa that allow you to attach additional attributes to different data types.
Get Product name from custom field: You can store the long product name in Shopify from a custom field defined in Versa.
Get Product price from custom field: Product/variant price in Shopify can be linked to a custom field in Versa.
Get Product long description from custom field: You can store the long product description in Shopify from a custom field defined in Versa.
Group products by custom field (enter product custom field name): Shopify has products which then have variants under it. Each variant in Shopify would map to a product in Versa. If you want to link the different products (variants in Shopify) together to a Shopify product, define a new custom field for product and use it to store the Shopify product name, also make sure each product (that maps to a Shopify variant) has the same value in this custom field.
Product Vendor Name (enter product custom field name to link to): Store the vendor name for a variant in Shopify in a product custom field.
Product Barcode Field (enter product custom field name to link to): Store the barcode for a variant in Shopify in a product custom field.
Shopify product have variant options (like color or size). You can store the option names for option 1 to option 3 in 3 custom fields. Specify the custom fields in Product variant option custom field name 1(enter product custom field name), Product variant option custom field name 2(enter product custom field name), Product variant option custom field name 3(enter product custom field name).
Once the settings are completed, you should press the Save button. The system will check if all the required settings are provided.
These custom fields are used for recording additional Shopify information in Versa. This is for advanced users only. Custom fields is a feature in Versa that allow you to attach additional attributes to different data types.
Get Product name from custom field: You can store the long product name in Shopify from a custom field defined in Versa.
Get Product price from custom field: Product/variant price in Shopify can be linked to a custom field in Versa.
Get Product long description from custom field: You can store the long product description in Shopify from a custom field defined in Versa.
Group products by custom field (enter product custom field name): Shopify has products which then have variants under it. Each variant in Shopify would map to a product in Versa. If you want to link the different products (variants in Shopify) together to a Shopify product, define a new custom field for product and use it to store the Shopify product name, also make sure each product (that maps to a Shopify variant) has the same value in this custom field.
Product Vendor Name (enter product custom field name to link to): Store the vendor name for a variant in Shopify in a product custom field.
Product Barcode Field (enter product custom field name to link to): Store the barcode for a variant in Shopify in a product custom field.
Shopify product have variant options (like color or size). You can store the option names for option 1 to option 3 in 3 custom fields. Specify the custom fields in Product variant option custom field name 1(enter product custom field name), Product variant option custom field name 2(enter product custom field name), Product variant option custom field name 3(enter product custom field name).
Once the settings are completed, you should press the Save button. The system will check if all the required settings are provided.
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