[VA-7746] - Refund posting issues in case when an order is edited to be smaller than original
[VA-7859] - Product pricing file cannot be downloaded
[VA-7972] - Cannot post bill when allocation cost to shipment receipts that have zero inventory value
[VA-7991] - Contract listing report not showing remaining qty correctly
Release Notes:
[VA-7946]- Allow fraction for the discount percentage in payment terms
- Versa will now support terms such as 1.5% discount. As of right now, only integer is allowed for discount. Added a migration to convert it to decimal.
[VA-7958] - Add new setting to sort items on newly created picklist by the bin location field
- Versa has added a new setting to setup, pick list.
- Users can now Sort picklist items by Bin Locations.
- Tool Tip: "If this is checked, the item in newly created picklist will be sorted by the bin location of each item. (sort by the identifier field in the container model)
- If checked, any newly created picklist would have the items sorted by the bin locations of where each items resides.
- Currently picklist items are sorted by order item id. A user needs to change it to sort based on this new setting. If not enabled, it will continue to sort by item id.
- If an item has no bin location assigned, it will go the bottom of the sorting order.
[VA-7990] - Show voided payment receipts in the payment receipt listing page with a line through it
- Voided payment receipts will now have a strike through on the payment receipt listing.
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