Versa supports printing onto pre-printed check stock, and we also support various formats.
Go to the Setup menu, Check formats to specify the check format to be used by Cash Accounts.
The formats supported are:
Davis + Henderson 102
Davis + Henderson 108
Sage 50 US, 3 part, annotated
Intuit Secure Plus Voucher
Once you have chosen the check format to use. You can use Position Adjustments to move elements like Date, Text amount, and numeric amount in the check. The elements are positioned in millimeters with X, and Y coordinates. You can also use X and Y to hide elements by giving it a really big X and Y number. Use this to adjust for default margins applied by your printer. If you have a check that is not standard, you can find the closest check format in Versa, and use position adjustments to move the elements on the check to the desired position.
Once the check format for a cash account is selected, you will be able to print the check after posting a payment disbursement (from Bills menu, Make Payment) with a payment method of Check. You can also reprint a check by going into the Bills menu, list payment, and finding the payment. There is an option to print when viewing a payment by check. From the payment listing page, there is an option for check run that allows you to choose checks to print by check numbers.
If you are using a payment batch to pay multiple bills at once, (all bills must be paid by check in the same batch), there is an option to print all the checks once the bill batch is posted.
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